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8 Ways to Become and Stay Motivated

French man running a road race trying to stay motivated

As humans, we tend to naturally gravitate towards pleasurable things and follow the path of least resistance. Therefore, when we set a goal for ourselves — anything from landing our dream job, running a marathon, or starting a podcast — it is a big step toward improving our life. But taking action towards the goal we’ve set out to […]

What Does a Person of Courage Look Like?

Picture of a woman with a stick held over her head who is a person of courage

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the importance of forgiveness, and it had an unexpectedly strong response. It’s been a while since I got such an overwhelmingly positive reaction from people about a subject. This tells me that understanding how to forgive is a concern for many people. “It’s not fear that makes a coward. […]

9 Strategies to Protect Your Success and Maintain Growth

a black man with glasses pondering how do you protect your success

You desire to be successful. You long to achieve or surpass a goal or expectation you have set for yourself. It is a significant aim for anyone in life, and achieving it requires a lot of grit and intentional effort. But achieving success is only one side of the overall equation. That is because, devoting […]

The Importance of Forgiveness & 5 Powerful Ways to Forgive

woman at twilight with crossed hands showing the importance of forgiveness

We all make missteps. It’s part of human nature and seeing as no one is perfect, we’ve all likely been wronged at different points in our lives. These offenses can leave lasting impacts; therefore, it can be tough to say and truly mean the words “I forgive you.” That is why the importance of forgiveness […]

5 Ways to Overcome Your Digital Addiction

Man staring at his smartphone dealing with digital addiction

You are waiting for an elevator. The doors slide open, you enter, and they close. As the elevator begins its descent, you notice another person is in the elevator taking this ride with you. The silence soon grows uncomfortable. Pop quiz. What’s your go-to move? A) Stare blankly ahead B) Initiate a greeting C) Get […]

If You Want a Remarkable Life, You Need to Stop Chasing a Normal One

Picture of a black man standing in front of a sign saying girls girls for John R. Miles blog

Famous ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” This factual statement emphasizes the power and importance of the daily micro choices you make and the habits you form in determining who you are and, ultimately, the kind of life you […]

The Reverse Aging Effect: How to Live Longer and Stay Healthy

Picture showing on a baby on a cell phone and the reverse age of her older self for John R. Miles blog

For millenniums, the quest for the fountain of youth and extending life has been a frequent topic of various myths, Hollywood movies, and parables worldwide. One of the earliest accounts was from Herodotus, a Greek historian, in the 5th century BC. He reported that in the land of Macrobians, a fountain of youth gave the […]

What are 6 Proven Ways to Approach Emotional Healing?

Women praying in front of mountains for emotional healing

If you found this article, you are likely in search of emotional healing. And, you are probably asking yourself, is it even possible. As I will explain, yes—emotional healing is a very real possibility if we take deliberate actions to tackle our pain instead of numbing it. 

Curiosity Is a Superpower — The Science and Traits of Curious People

Young girl demonstrating curiosity as she observes a hummingbird

A long time ago, there existed a small village named Naïve Hill. The inhabitants of this town were very conventional people who knew only to search around for wildly growing fruits, plants, and nuts, talk, and sleep. They all lived this basic lifestyle except for one teenage boy named Odd George,who had curiosity. His fellow […]

Why Your Peak Experiences Create a Rewarding Life

Picture of a woman mountain climbing to a peak experience

“I don’t live to work; I work to live.” Although this quote is attributed to Noel Gallager, I first heard this expression years before living in Spain. A Spanish friend told me that he observed this startling difference when comparing our two cultures and what constituted a rewarding life. He said, “you Americans live to […]

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