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John Miles is a global keynote speaker, bestselling author, the host of the critically acclaimed and top rated podcast, “Passion Struck with John R. Miles."

John is passionate about mentoring and coaching others on what it takes to become their best self.

My Story

As you look at me, you may think my life is an easy and normal one. A cursory glance wouldn’t reveal that I’ve been through traumatic brain injuries, trauma, combat, obstacles, and struggles. Many of us have experienced invisible wounds that remain hidden from the world around us. It has taken me decades to admit these challenges and have the vulnerability to be willing to discuss my past. I became an expert at hiding my inner narrative for most of my life. And, it wasn’t a kind one.

In November 2017, I unexpectedly came home early from the gym that morning to not only find an active burglary but one that resulted in having a gun pointed directly at me.

That moment and its aftermath unearthed decades of emotions that I had been suppressing. To the outside world, my life appeared to be going brilliantly. But inside, I felt numb and carried self-blame for all that had happened to me throughout my life.

That was then; this is now.

I finally chose to do something about it. I decided to take control of my life and focus on personal growth. I learned through time that God had a different and inspiring calling for me-to heal and uplift others so that they can become the best version of themselves, inside and out, and lead a fulfilled life.

This new chapter of my life is focused on providing individuals and organizations a highly applicable framework to create long-lasting success, fulfillment, and joy. I do this through my bestselling bookpodcast, speaking, YouTube channel, and the brand Passion Struck®, which empowers growth seekers to discover, ignite, cultivate their purpose and unlock their hidden potential.

I am on a personal mission to share my struggles in the hope that I can positively impact others by exploring the keys to finding passion, achieving success, and living to our full potential.

The simple fact is that life is uncertain. For you. For me. For everybody. And I am not alone in having to face my insecurities. Still, we can learn from one another and share with a willingness to open up about our inner fears and with the understanding that you don’t have to go it alone.

Join me in unlocking the secrets to creating a passion-struck life. Together, not only will we learn to overcome our hardships, we will learn to flourish, no matter what.

I’m very glad you are here!

About John Miles

John Miles is a master at guiding individuals on a transformative journey to unlock their ultimate potential and embrace their authentic selves. As the visionary CEO of Passion Struck®, bestselling author, keynote speaker, and host of the #1 Alternative Health Podcast, John merges deep insights from peak performance and behavioral science with an innate understanding of the human psyche. His mission is to inspire and empower a global community to live intentionally, moving beyond conventional success to lead lives of profound meaning, passion, and authenticity.

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John R. Miles brings to the table a distinguished 30-year career that spans across military leadership, entrepreneurship, global business and technology operations, life coaching, and strategic innovation. His leadership foundation was laid at the United States Naval Academy, marked by distinction as a Division 1 athlete, class secretary, and brigade honor staff member during a significant chapter of the academy’s history.

His approach embodies the rigor of his naval training, enriched with a deep understanding of business dynamics and personal growth, guiding both individuals and corporations towards unparalleled success.

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John’s leadership extends to combat zones, where he spearheaded specialized teams during the Bosnian War, counter-terrorism operations in North Africa, and deployments in Kuwait and Iraq. Notable achievements include forming the Navy’s Information Dominance Expeditionary Corps and earning a Master of Science in Information Assurance.

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Transitioning from the disciplined environment of the Navy, John ventured into the corporate world, rapidly ascending to become a Fortune 50 Chief Information Security Officer, Chief Data Officer, and Chief Information Officer before taking the helm as a CEO in various industries. His tenure in the corporate sector is marked by notable achievements, including leading Lowe’s recovery from the most severe cybersecurity attack in retail history, leading Lend Lease to the Network World User Excellence Award, and steering Dell’s transition from a hardware manufacturer to a solutions provider.

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John R. Miles’s exceptional contributions have been recognized with numerous prestigious accolades, including the ComputerWorld Premier 100 Technology Leaders Award and CIO Magazine’s CIO 100. He was also a finalist for CISO of the Year and his leadership contributed to his company being named runner-up for the Tampa Bay Technology Company of the Year. His distinguished military service earned him the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, showcasing his excellence and dedication across both technological innovation and national defense.

John Miles’ Philanthropic Focus

John is committed to serving others. This philanthropy included roles as the Vice Chairman for the Florida Association of Veteran-Owned Businesses (FAVOB), the board of directors of the St. Petersburg Downtown Partnership, and the Catalina Charitable Foundation. As the fundraising chair, he helped raise over $1M in donations for the Warehouse Arts District Association. This funded the creation of the Arts Exchange, which provides low-rent studios to aspiring artists in St. Petersburg, Florida.

He founded the charity Feeding Little Geniuses to provide nutritional advice to underprivileged children and teach them how to live to their full potential. He serves as a business performance expert for Synapse, which is creating the entrepreneurial ecosystem throughout Florida. He has also supported Habitat for Humanity builds for the past two decades.


Just For Fun

  • I’m fascinated by hidden influences – invisible forces that shape human thought and action
  • I enjoy working with people who deal in the arts of nuance and precision
  • I am a huge boating enthusiast and enjoy competitive sailing 
  • I get up in the morning to work with brilliant, passionate and impatient people primarily motivated by improving life and unleashing their full potential

Reading List

Personal Mantras

  • Ship…..Shipmate…..Self 
  • Relentless Problem Solving 
  • Need for Curiosity with a Bias for Action 
  • Ski or be skied—my all-time favorite metaphor for nearly everything 
  • Constant Pursuit of Pursuing my Full Potential
  • Business is global, Trust is local 
  • The best way to control the future is to invent it  


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