Embracing Risk-Taking for Unparalleled Personal Growth

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As individuals, we all nurture dreams and aspirations driven by the desire to unlock avenues of personal growth and exceptional accomplishments. Yet, the pursuit of these aspirations inevitably introduces a landscape of uncertainties. Within this complex interplay of ambition and uncertainty lies the undeniable necessity of risk-taking. The term “risk” frequently carries connotations of danger […]

Unlocking Your Future: The Power of Asking

Young boy in front of a computer mastering the power of asking questions

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you required something that someone else could provide, but you didn’t receive it simply because you didn’t ask? The answer is likely ‘yes’ for most of us. At some point or another, we may have hesitated to express our desires or needs and, as a result, […]

Habit Stacking: The Secret Sauce to Your Personal Growth

A woman practicing her micro habit of journaling on her walks which is a form of habit stacking.

Understanding the science and practical application of habit stacking can revolutionize your daily routine, setting you on a path to personal growth. This powerful strategy leverages existing habits as a foundation for introducing new ones into your life. In this article, I will delve into the neuroscience behind habit formation, specifically exploring synaptic pruning’s role […]

Unlocking the Path to Personal Growth through Effective Emotion Regulation Techniques

Young boy with mouth wide open showing his emotion regulation techniques

Emotions are inherent in the human experience, shaping our perceptions, actions, and relationships. They color our daily lives, enriching moments of joy, providing strength during challenges, and connecting us to others on a deep level. However, emotions can also become overwhelming, leading to distress, strained relationships, and hindered personal growth. This is where the importance […]

Unshackle Yourself from Shameflammation: How to Identify and Conquer Your Inner Demons

Young women with low self-esteem experiencing shameflammation

At some stage, we all feel shame, yet when it becomes a persistent presence in our lives, what then? That’s where shameflammation comes into play.  The notion of shameflammation is well-supported as emotional manifestations, akin to physical inflammation caused by injury, can result in discomfort, irritation, and even pain. Such emotional responses can make it […]

5 Boring Ways to Unleash Your Self-Expression

A woman behind a rainbow wall showing her self-expression

Do you feel like you are in a rut? Are your feelings, thoughts, and ideas being repressed or disregarded? The secret to releasing your inner creativity and potential may lie in self-expression. Throughout human history, it has been a vital endeavor to explore oneself. Our identities and memories, which are pieces of our lives that […]

Why Having a Strong Moral Compass Is Vital to Your Life

Black woman with a strong moral compass

Many individuals claim to possess a clear understanding of right and wrong, and trust their intuition to make sound judgments. A strong moral compass is essential to life, but staying true to your values and beliefs can be challenging and leads to the following questions that I have received from the Passion Struck community: What […]

Unleash Your Creativity: Unlocking the Power of Self-Expression

A young girl with pain on her hairs who is showing how to unleash your creativity

For as long as I can recall, I have been troubled by the belief that I am devoid of creativity. While I am a writer, I am not the imaginative type who makes things up effortlessly. I am like a baker who is lost without the directions in a recipe, a percussionist who never learned […]

Rise and Shine: Unlocking the Benefits of the 5 AM Club

Woman lying asleep by her alarm club wanting to be a member of the 5 AM Club

If you are a frequent listener to the Passion Struck podcast, you have likely heard me talk about my morning routine, which includes waking up at 5 a.m. daily. I do it to have a head start on the day and gain an extra edge in life. I find many benefits associated with joining this […]

Why You Need to Stop Chasing Perfection and Just Be Happy

Stop trying to be like superman. Stop chasing perfection.

“Good is the enemy of great” is a phrase made famous by Jim Collins that refers to settling for less after achieving some success instead of striving for more. Many misinterpret this to mean perfection is necessary, but this is not the case. This idea of being perfect is what French philosopher Voltaire was addressing […]

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