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The Power of Being Wrong: Why Changing Your Mind is a Strength, Not a Weakness

Man with hand over face who is realizing the power of being wrong and its amazing impact on personal growth

In a world where certainty is often celebrated, I’ve discovered that embracing the power of being wrong can feel daunting. Yet, what if acknowledging our mistakes and changing our minds were actually powerful steps toward personal growth and resilience? “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates. In this episode, I […]

4 Ways to Bridge Divides Through Love and Kindness

Thumbnail of Carolyn Patricia Miles and the poem Accepting This by Mark Nepo demonstrating the power in bridging divides of love and kindness

Last Saturday, we gathered to honor the life of my sister, Carolyn Patricia Miles, at her memorial service. It was a moment filled with both sorrow and deep reflection. Carolyn was not just a sister but a pillar of strength, compassion, love and kindness. Her battle with pancreatic cancer showcased her incredible resilience and indomitable […]

Taming Irrationality: Why We Act Against Our Best Interests

Taming irrationality. Dive into cognitive biases, emotional influences, and brain mechanisms, using Romeo and Juliet as a vivid case study.

Have you ever found yourself making a decision you knew didn’t make sense, but you did it anyway? I know I have, and it’s something we all experience more often than we’d like to admit. In this article, I will explore why irrationality takes hold and what you can do about it. From the quirks […]

Rising From the Ashes: 3 Ways Glenn Cunningham Raced to Greatness

Picture of Glenn Cunningham winning mile world record for Passion Struck podcast article

In life, we often find ourselves facing daunting challenges that threaten to derail our dreams and aspirations. Yet, amidst the trials and tribulations, some individuals not only survive but thrive. What sets these resilient souls apart? The answer lies in the potent combination of optimism and determination — qualities exemplified by Glenn Cunningham. Imagine being told […]

Shedding the Past, Shaping the Future: Mastering the Power of Letting Go

Woman releasing a plant into the air during sunrise showing the power of letting go

Have you ever stood at the edge of a decision, your heart racing with the sheer weight of it? That’s where I found myself—not on some grand cliff overlooking the ocean, but staring down the daunting task of letting go. The concept isn’t new, yet its significance is often underestimated until it stares us right […]

Unshackle Yourself from Shameflammation: How to Identify and Conquer Your Inner Demons

Young women with low self-esteem experiencing shameflammation

At some stage, we all feel shame, yet when it becomes a persistent presence in our lives, what then? That’s where shameflammation comes into play.  The notion of shameflammation is well-supported as emotional manifestations, akin to physical inflammation caused by injury, can result in discomfort, irritation, and even pain. Such emotional responses can make it […]

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