How to Manage Time: The Wisdom of the Stoics
“Time is the currency of life” is a popular quote that emphasizes time’s importance. However, so few of us know how to manage time. American poet and biographer Carl Sandburg put it this way, “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it […]
9 Ways to Deal with Chronic Loneliness
As humans, we are social beings who have evolved to co-exist and interact with one another. As a species throughout history, we have survived and prospered by banding together for mutual assistance and protection. Just as bees evolved to need a hive, humans evolved to need a tribe as well. From the early history of […]
The Devastating Consequences of Excuses and 8 Ways to Stop Them
Life can be a complicated dance, and one thing is sure — we are all likely to make excuses for our mistakes along the way. That is because none of us is perfect. Sometimes we fall short and fail in our personal behavior, and the consequences of excuses reflect that. When faced with situations, the final choices […]
How to Heal the Shattering Consequences of Abuse
Over the past several weeks, I have interviewed several guests on the Passion Struck podcast who have experienced the consequences of abuse and neglect. These include Kara Robinson Chamberlain, who was kidnapped by a serial killer and sexually assaulted, and Carrington Smith, who was emotionally abused and neglected for years by her parents and sexually […]
Why You Fail to Take Responsibility for Your life
I am often asked, “Why do people fail to take responsibility for their actions?” As motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” This quote highlights the importance of taking charge of our habits or inadvertently allowing our choices to dictate our states of being. Due to […]
If You Want a Remarkable Life, You Need to Stop Chasing a Normal One
Famous ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” This factual statement emphasizes the power and importance of the daily micro choices you make and the habits you form in determining who you are and, ultimately, the kind of life you […]
Embracing Your Unique Path: Finding Beauty in Mediocrity
I want to lead you through an exercise that quickly gets to the core of your sense of legitimacy and well-being: throughout your childhood, did you experience a feeling that you were — on balance — OK with who you are? Or did you derive the idea that you needed to be exceptional to feel satisfied with who you […]
Transforming the Mind and Body: 10 Benefits of Meditation
Life as we know it is full of many ups and downs. These challenges can cut across any sphere of everyday life, including social interactions, finances, health, and spirituality. What if I told you there was a better way to handle these situations? It is the benefits of Meditation. But, I have learned that meditation […]
The Reverse Aging Effect: How to Live Longer and Stay Healthy
For millenniums, the quest for the fountain of youth and extending life has been a frequent topic of various myths, Hollywood movies, and parables worldwide. One of the earliest accounts was from Herodotus, a Greek historian, in the 5th century BC. He reported that in the land of Macrobians, a fountain of youth gave the […]
Unconditional Love: What It Means and 8 Ways to Find It
Unconditional love is a term that most of us don’t frankly understand. We live in a transactional world where people often offer love contingent on certain conditions, not because they genuinely care about those they give it to, but so they get something in return. What is unconditional love? The term unconditional love does not […]