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How Being Vulnerable Can Expand Your World

How Being Vulnerable Can Expand Your World

I find that some of my friends and colleagues struggle with the concept of how being vulnerable can expand your

Why You Should Hire Your Weakness As Soon As You Can

Why You Should Hire Your Weakness As Soon As You Can

Becoming an entrepreneur is one of the most exciting professional journeys that we can undertake. I can speak from experience

The Power of Why: Why Knowing Your Why is Indispensable

The Power of Why: Why Knowing Your Why is Indispensable

It is easy in this world to concentrate on the day to day and forget about the power of why

Why Stakeholders Depend on Crisis Management Response – An Event Crisis Memo for Boeing’s Former CEO

Why Stakeholders Depend on Crisis Management Response – An Event Crisis Memo for Boeing’s Former CEO

Like most of us who follow business news, before one of the worst crisis management responses in history, I marveled

We Company is Shifting the Failed Startups Narrative

We Company is Shifting the Failed Startups Narrative

 One of the most prominent business stories I witnessed last year was the precipitous fall of the WeWork company (known

Is Applied Intelligence the Future of Data?

Is Applied Intelligence the Future of Data?

 Cloud-based supercomputing, self-driving cars, hyper-personalization of customer experiences, and autonomous drones are all evidence of the dramatic changes taking place

Why Company Transformation Should Forget Past Success

Why Company Transformation Should Forget Past Success

I see one of the most significant problems that successful companies can have is recently achieving substantial levels of past

Goldman CEO’s Board Diversity Ultimatum Sets the Precedent

Goldman CEO’s Board Diversity Ultimatum Sets the Precedent

Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon made news recently when he announced that Goldman would not take companies public unless those companies

Blackrock’s Brazen Step to Reinvent Itself Around ESG

Blackrock’s Brazen Step to Reinvent Itself Around ESG

One of the first Americans to advocate what we know as reinvention was Benjamin Franklin, who said, “If you are

Life Lessons Learned from Running

Life Lessons Learned from Running

For me, there’s nothing more liberating than going for a run. Somehow, the simple act of putting one foot in

What Makes Successful Problem Solvers Unique?

What Makes Successful Problem Solvers Unique?

No matter how far back we stretch the timeline of our past, I believe we will never find a single

Mustering the Power to Do Something Different

Mustering the Power to Do Something Different

Today’s business world has become extremely competitive, yet large and small businesses alike find it easy to stick with familiar ideas,

Passion Struck: Practice Transformational Leadership | John R. Miles

Passion Struck: Practice Transformational Leadership | John R. Miles

I find today’s business world is full of CEOs and entrepreneurs who claim to be changing the world. They create

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